What Happens if You Drop Vape in Water?

Dropping a disposable vape in water can have various consequences, depending on the type of vape and the extent of water exposure. Vapes typically consist of a battery, a heating element, and a liquid reservoir, which can be adversely affected by water. If you've accidentally dropped your disposable vape in water, it's important to act quickly to minimize potential damage.

Here's what might happen:

  • Immediate Damage: When a vape is dropped into water, the first thing that can happen is an immediate malfunction or short-circuit. Water can create a conductive path between electrical components, leading to the device shorting out. This can potentially cause the device to stop working or become unsafe to use.
  • Corrosion: Water exposure can lead to corrosion over time, especially if the vape device is not thoroughly dried and cleaned. Corrosion can damage the internal components, including the battery and the circuitry, potentially rendering the device inoperable.
  • Battery Damage: Water and batteries do not mix well. If water seeps into the battery compartment, it can damage the battery or cause it to short-circuit. This can result in overheating, venting, or even an explosion in extreme cases.
  • E-liquid Contamination: If the vape's e-liquid reservoir is exposed to water, it can lead to contamination of the e-liquid. This can affect the flavour and quality of the vape, making it unpleasant to use.
  • Rust and Mold: If the water is not promptly removed, it can lead to rust formation on metal parts inside the vape. Additionally, it can create a conducive environment to mould growth, which can further damage the device and pose health risks.

How to Fix a Vape After Dropping It in Water

To mitigate the damage if you accidentally drop your vape in water, you would need to do the following first:

  • Remove the Battery: If possible, remove the battery immediately to prevent short-circuits or damage to the battery.
  • Dry It Thoroughly: Disassemble the vape (if you are comfortable doing so) and use a dry cloth or paper towels to absorb as much water as possible. Allow the components to air dry for at least 24–48 hours.
  • Avoid Using It: Do not attempt to use the vape until you are certain it is completely dry and free of any moisture.
  • Inspect for Damage: Examine the device for signs of corrosion, rust, or other damage. If you notice any, it may be best to replace the affected components or the entire device.

How to Remove All Water from a Vaping Device

Removing all water from a vaping device is important to ensure safe and effective operation. Water can damage the electronic components and interfere with the vaporization process. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to remove all water from a vaping device:

Step #1: Take apart the various components of your vaping device. This typically includes the tank, coil, battery, and any other detachable parts.

Step #2: Remove the e-liquid from the tank if there's any left. You can do this by either vaping it until it's empty or carefully pouring it back into its original container.

Step #3: Unscrew the coil from the tank if it's detachable. This is usually located at the bottom of the tank.

Step #4: Rinse the tank with warm, distilled water to remove any remaining e-liquid and residue. Shake it gently to ensure all water inside the tank is removed.

Step #5: Allow the tank to air dry completely. You can speed up the process by using a paper towel or a clean, lint-free cloth to pat it dry.

Step #6: If the coil is still in good condition, and you want to reuse it, you can attempt to clean it. Soak it in distilled water for a few hours, rinse it thoroughly, and allow it to dry completely before reassembling the device. Note that cleaning coils may not be as effective as using a new one.

Step #7: Carefully inspect the battery to ensure no water has entered the battery compartment. If any water is present, gently dry it with a paper towel or cloth.

Step #8: Once all the components are completely dry, reassemble the vaping device. Make sure everything is properly screwed or connected.

Are They Any Ways to Save a Soggy Vape?

A soggy vape typically occurs when moisture or liquid gets inside the device, causing it to malfunction. Here are some steps you can try to save a soggy vape:

Step #1: Immediately turn off the vape device and remove the battery if possible. This can help prevent further damage.

Step #2: Take apart as much of the vape as you can. Remove the tank, coils, and any other removable parts. This will help you access the affected areas more easily.

Step #3: Use a dry cloth or paper towels to carefully wipe down all the components, both inside and out. Pay close attention to the battery contacts, buttons, and any exposed electronics. Make sure everything is completely dry.

Step #4: Leave all the components in a dry, well-ventilated area for at least 24–48 hours.

Step #5: After the components have thoroughly dried, inspect them for any signs of damage or corrosion. If you notice any, it may be necessary to replace those parts.

Step #6: If your vape has replaceable coils and wicks, it's a good idea to replace them after a moisture incident. Soggy coils and wicks can impact the flavor and performance of your vape.

Step #7: Once you're confident that everything is dry and undamaged, reassemble your vape device and test it. Start at a low wattage setting and gradually increase it to ensure everything is working correctly.

Note: If you're not comfortable or experienced with disassembling and reassembling vape devices, or if the device continues to malfunction after drying, it's best to consult a professional vape technician or the manufacturer's customer support for further assistance.

The Rice Method

You can also place them in a bag of uncooked rice, which can help absorb any remaining moisture. However, rice may not be as effective as you think, and it's better to rely on natural airflow and time.

The Hairdryer Method

If you need to dry a vape device, using a hair dryer can be done, but you should exercise caution to avoid damaging the device. Anyway, here’s how it's simply done:

  1. Make sure the vape device is turned off and disconnected from any power source before attempting to dry it.
  2. If your vape has a removable battery, take it out to prevent any potential damage to the battery or the device.
  3. If possible, disassemble the vape into its individual components, including the tank, coils, and any other removable parts.
  4. Set your hair dryer to a low heat setting. You don't want the air to be too hot, as excessive heat can damage the vape components.
  5. Hold the hair dryer at a safe distance from the vape, usually several inches away. This prevents direct heat exposure to the vape components, reducing the risk of damage.
  6. Turn on the hair dryer and gently blow air over the vape components. Focus on the areas that need drying, such as the tank, coils, and any other wet or damp parts. Continue to move the hair dryer around to evenly distribute the warm air.
  7. Be patient and monitor the drying progress. Do not rush the process. Make sure that the components are completely dry before reassembling the vape or reinserting the battery.
  8. Once you are confident that all parts are thoroughly dry, reassemble the vape and insert the battery (if applicable). Test the vape to ensure it functions correctly.

Just Because Your Vape Got Wet, Doesn’t Mean It’s Totally Done 

Remember that proper maintenance and care of your vaping device can extend its lifespan and ensure a safer vaping experience. Still, if you are unsure about the extent of the damage or if you have concerns about the safety of your vape, it is advisable to consult the manufacturer, or a professional vape technician for guidance or repairs. Additionally, always follow the manufacturer's recommendations and safety guidelines for your specific vape device.

