Why Is My Vape Spitting?

Vape spitting, also known as vape popping or spitback, can be an annoying issue that can sometimes result in hot e-liquid particles landing on your tongue or lips. That experience can be both frustrating and uncomfortable, thus ruining our vaping session. Not only that, but it often signals that something about our setup isn’t quite right.

There are several reasons why your vape might be spitting, and it's essential to identify and address the issue to have a more enjoyable vaping experience:

  • Overfilling the Tank: One of the most common causes of spitting is overfilling the tank. When you fill your tank beyond its recommended capacity, it can lead to flooding of the coil and excessive e-liquid reaching the atomizer. This can result in spitting.
  • High VG E-Liquid: E-liquids with high Vegetable Glycerin (VG) content tend to be thicker and can have a harder time being absorbed by the coil's wick. If your coil can't vaporize the e-liquid quickly enough, it may lead to spitting. Try using e-liquids with a higher Propylene Glycol (PG) content, as they are thinner and are easier to vaporize.
  • Low Wattage: Vaping at too low a wattage can also lead to spitting because the coil may not get hot enough to vaporize the e-liquid properly. Make sure your wattage is set within the recommended range for your coil and e-liquid.
  • Coil Flooding: If your coil is flooded with e-liquid, it can cause spitting. This can happen if you take short, shallow puffs or if you don't allow the coil enough time to saturate properly when installing a new one.
  • Old or Worn-Out Coil: Coils have a lifespan, and when they are old or worn out, they may not vaporize e-liquid effectively, leading to spitting. Replace your coil regularly to maintain optimal performance.
  • Inhaling Too Softly: If you take very gentle pulls, you may not provide enough airflow to vaporize the e-liquid properly, which can result in spitting. Try taking slightly harder puffs.
  • Condensation Buildup: Over time, condensation can accumulate in the mouthpiece or around the coil area, which can lead to spitting. Regularly clean your vape to prevent this buildup.
  • Inconsistent Airflow: If your device has an adjustable airflow system, make sure it's set correctly. Too much or too little airflow can affect how the e-liquid is vaporized and may lead to spitting.
  • E-Liquid Quality: Low-quality or counterfeit e-liquids may contain impurities or inconsistencies in their composition, which can contribute to spitting. Make sure you're using reputable e-liquids from trusted sources.

How Can I Stop My Vape Spitting?

Luckily for you, there are some easy signs to know if it’s happening and ways to prevent or minizine vape spitback, simply doing the one or more of the following:

  1. Check Your Coil: Spitting can often be caused by a flooded or over-saturated coil. Make sure your coil is properly installed and not flooded with e-liquid. If it is, try gently blowing through the drip tip without firing the device to clear excess e-liquid.
  2. Adjust Wattage: Sometimes, running your vape at too low of a wattage can cause spitting. Try increasing the wattage slightly (within the recommended range for your coil) to vaporize the e-liquid more efficiently.
  3. Prime Your Coil: Prior to using a new coil or after replacing one, be sure to prime it properly. This means saturating the coil with e-liquid by adding a few drops of e-liquid directly onto the coil and waiting a few minutes before vaping.
  4. Use Thicker E-Liquids: Thicker e-liquids (higher VG content) are less prone to spitting compared to thinner ones (higher PG content). Consider switching to a higher VG e-liquid if you're experiencing spitting.
  5. Check Your Airflow: Adjust your airflow settings to find the right balance. Sometimes, reducing the airflow slightly can help reduce spitting because it allows for a smoother draw.
  6. Inhale Technique Modification: Try taking longer, slower draws instead of quick, sharp puffs. This can help prevent e-liquid from getting pulled into the coil too quickly.
  7. Clean Your Tank: Residue and e-liquid buildup in your tank can contribute to spitting. Regularly clean your tank and replace your coil as needed to maintain a clean vaping setup.
  8. Use a Spitback Guard: Some tanks come with built-in or optional spitback guards. These are small screens or mesh inserts designed to catch e-liquid droplets and prevent them from reaching your mouth.
  9. Drip Tip Replacement: If your drip tip has a wide bore, consider using one with a narrower opening. This can help reduce the chances of e-liquid splattering into your mouth.
  10. Try a Different Coil: Some coils are more prone to spitting than others. Experiment with different coil types or brands to see if a specific coil performs better for your setup.
  11. Avoid Chain Vaping: Chain vaping (taking multiple puffs in quick succession) can increase the likelihood of spitting. Take breaks between puffs to allow the coil to cool down.
  12. Check for Leaks: Ensure there are no leaks in your tank or atomizer, as this can lead to spitting issues.

Note: If you've tried these tips and are still experiencing spitting, it may be helpful to consult with a knowledgeable vape shop employee or experienced vaper for further assistance or to troubleshoot any potential hardware issues.

Is Vape Spitting Dangerous?

Vape spitting can be potentially dangerous, although the level of risk can vary depending on several factors, including the type of vaping device, the e-liquid being used, and how the device is being operated.

  • Vape spitting occurs when e-liquid is heated rapidly and unevenly within the atomizer or coil of a vaping device. This can result in tiny, hot e-liquid droplets being ejected through the mouthpiece into the user's mouth. These droplets can be uncomfortably hot and may cause burns or irritation to the mouth and throat.
  • In addition to causing discomfort, vape spitting can also lead to the inhalation of e-liquid droplets, which is not safe. Inhaling e-liquid can be harmful to your respiratory system and may cause symptoms like coughing, chest pain, and shortness of breath.
  • If the e-liquid contains nicotine, as most do, accidental ingestion or inhalation of spitting e-liquid can lead to nicotine poisoning. Nicotine poisoning symptoms can range from nausea and dizziness to more severe symptoms like rapid heart rate, seizures, and even life-threatening situations.

