Naked 100 Tobacco Cuban Blend eLiquid
With the naturally tasty flavor of the Caribbean's finest tobacco leaves to satisfy your nicotine cravings, we offer you Cuban Blend Naked 100 Tobacco. With every inhale and exhale, Cuban Blend takes you to the next level of excitement with its strong, and aromatic profile. Earthy, smoky finest tobacco taste hits the spot as you fill in the vapor.
The deliciousness of the tobacco becomes more tangible before a breath stream leaves your mount on the exhale. Reward yourself with a piece of tobacco-delighted heaven in a well-balanced vape juice by Naked 100. It comes in a 60ml bottle with a nice throat hit and cloud-making base of 70/30 VG/PG. Remake your day with this vaping session, as it's very satisfying.
Features and Specifications:
- Primary Flavors: Tobacco
- Bottle Sizes: 60ml
- Nicotine Level: 0mg, 3mg, 6mg, 12mg
- VG/PG: 70%VG / 30%PG