Cloud Nurdz ICED Melon Kiwi TFN
Let me guess that you have never vaped eLiquid like ICED Melon Kiwi (formerly Iced Kiwi Melon) TFN Cloud Nurdz. Surprised? Well, it's fruity and icy refreshing, which you cannot stand, especially on hot, creeping days.
Melon Kiwi Iced vape juice blends the flavors of kiwi, melon, candy, and menthol to perfection to ensure your satisfaction. This is the main task of this tobacco-free vape juice. It's all so juicy, sweet, and tasty, whereas the menthol seals the deal.
This synthetic nicotine eLiquid comes in a 100ml chubby gorilla bottle with a dense cloud chasing and a nice throat hit base of 70VG/30PG. Cloud Nurdz ICED Melon Kiwi eLiquid with mentholated finish demonstrates its true treating nature. Make this vape juice yours, and let it treat you like no other!